Madagascar has the most unique combination of plants (flora) and animals (fauna) in
the entire world. Out of the over 10, 000 different types of plants and animals, over 80% occur exclusively within Madagascar. The island itself has been isolated for over 70 million years and the animals range in origin from Africa, Asian and South American.
Madagascar is most well known to scientists for the many species of lemur among many other mammals. The species are incredibly diverse and inhabit many different ecosystems. The lemur species have flourished because of the lack of natural competitors such as monkeys. Only one primate called the aye-aye exists on the island apart from humans. It was thought to be another species of lemur until recently. Tenrecs are also very common on the island. They are medium sized insectivores. Rodent populations in Madagascar are minimal compared to the plethora of other species. The Malagasy Giant Rat is an exception and was recently put on the endangered animals list. There is a wide variety of bat populations on Madagascar, however many are not native to the island due to their ability to travel long distances. Cat-like animals cla
ssified under the Eupleridae are quite prominent on the island as well.
Over one third of the over 300 bird species in Madagascar are endemic (only found in Madagascar). There are five whole bird families that are found strictly within Madagascar and the surrounding islands.
There is not much variety in terms of reptiles in Madagascar. The few species that have travelled to the island have evolved into over 260 distinct species. Chameleons are the prominent reptile although other major families include geckoes, skinks and iguanas. There are over 60 different species of snakes, however interestingly none of whom are poisonous to man. Five different species of tortures can also be found. More fascinating though is the great Nile crocodile. Unfortunately it has been placed on the endangered species list. This is a result of the high demand for its skin. Over 150 spectacular different amphibians such as frogs and salamanders can be found in the primary
forest, nearly all of which are endemic.
Many endemic species of beetles and moths can be found within the forests including the famous stick insect and preying mantis. One of the more frightful insects comes in the form of the giant Madagascar hissing cockroach.
The seas surrounding Madagascar host a large variety of marine life. There are miles of coral reef that surround the island which hosts thousands of species of fish. Sea turtles can be found in four species although many are hunted for food by locals. Off the south coast humpback whales are bred by wildlife experts.
It was great to finally get insight into how many wonderful animals are endemic to Madagascar. I was shocked to learn how many species have protected themselves against human disturbances. The animals were able to protect themselves quite well where the plant life has struggled considerably. New species are being discovered constantly and I find this very edifying. Hopefully the government will be able to apply more restrictions in regards to hunting and deforestation in order to protect our wildlife.